José Martinho dos Santos Soares

Se ita kontinua la iha interese, no laiha força atu halo ema kumpri lei hahu kedas husi ita nia inísiu da independênsia, maka ho tempu wainhira korupsaun desenvolve nia-an profundu liu iha ita nia let, maka sei difísil liu atu kombate nia.

José Martinho dos Santos Soares | Ermera Municipality Mayor

"Se ita kontinua la iha interese, no laiha força atu halo ema kumpri lei hahu kedas husi ita nia inísiu da independênsia, maka ho tempu wainhira korupsaun desenvolve nia-an profundu liu iha ita nia let, maka sei difísil liu atu kombate nia."

View Profile
1. Geography

Ermera is one of the municipalities around the capital Díli. It shares a border with the municipality of Aileu (east), Ainaro (south), Bobonaro (west) and Likisá (north). Ermera has five Administrative posts – Atsabe, Ermera, Hatolia, Letefoho and Railaco. Ermera has 52 sucos (villages).

Total population of this municipality is estimated to 136,010 (Census 2015 – projection for 2019) with a population density of 176,44 pp/km2 for an area of 756,5 km2. The population from this municipality speak mostly Tetun, Mambae and Kemak dialects. Ermera is well-known as the municipality with the biggest coffee production in the country and some of it is exported internationally. Coffee became the symbol of this municipality. In addition, Ermera produces vegetable and fruits.

2. Toponymy

The name of Ermera municipality Ermera derived from Mambae language, from the two words Er + Mera. According to the history, the ancestors of Ermera inhabitants came from three mountains – Kailitlau mountain, Lalimlau mountain, and Hituria mountain. The name of Ermera comes from a fountain of water in the valley located between these three mountains. The color of the water is said to be almost like the color of blood.

3. History

Historically, before the Portuguese established their authority in Ermera’s territory, the area was ruled by a traditional authority. In 1698 the Portuguese Governor Antonio Coelho Guerreiro established Portuguese authority in Ermera, and started to intervene into the internal affairs. On 20 April 1859, through the Governor Afonso de Castro, the Portuguese established 11 Districts. Ermera was placed under Atsabe district, with its office in Cailaco. This district was composed of Deribate, Laemean, Maubo and Cailaco. In 1908 Ermera became a district military commander with its office in Hatolia. After World War II the Governor Oscar Ruas changed it into a civil circumscription, which was composed of Ermera Villa Civil Administrative Post, Atsabe, Bazartete, Hatolia, Letefoho and Likisá. During the Indonesian occupation Ermera became its own district, and later on become a municipality after independence.

4. Climate

In terms of climate, generally Ermera municipality has two seasons – a dry season that lasts from July to September and a rainy season which goes from November to June. The temperature is quite high during the month of October, reaching on average 29oC and the lowest average temperature during the month of September is 12oC.

5. Points of interest

Ermera municipality has several tourist destination places that inclusde: Kristu Liurai monument in Letefoho and Mota Bandeira near Atsabe.

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Annual Plan

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Annual Budget Allocation

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Meet Municipality Council Members

José Martinho dos Santos Soares
Prezidente Autoridade Munisipio Ermera
  • 78322228
  • N/A
José da Costa Gomes
Sekretário Munisipal Administrasaun no Finansas
  • 77392394
  • N/A
António Alves da Costa
Sekretário Munisipál Plano Investimentu Dezenvolvimentu Integradu
  • 77285019
  • N/A
Paulina do Rosario Lemos
Sekretario Munisipal Asuntos Sosiais & Organizasaun
  • 77285019
  • N/A
José Martinho dos Santos Soares
Prezidente Autoridade Munisipio Ermera
  • 78322228
  • N/A
José da Costa Gomes
Sekretário Munisipal Administrasaun no Finansas
  • 77392394
  • N/A
António Alves da Costa
Sekretário Munisipál Plano Investimentu Dezenvolvimentu Integradu
  • 77285019
  • N/A
Paulina do Rosario Lemos
Sekretario Munisipal Asuntos Sosiais & Organizasaun
  • 77285019
  • N/A
Manuel Oliveira
Administradór Posto Administrativo Atsabe
  • 76105064
  • N/A

© 2024 Administration Municipality of Ermera